Always look forward

My first visit by doctor Scherr


By my first visit by doctor Scherr I was 14 weeks old and I had only 12.5 pounds. But my mami is very nice with me a give me a lots of cookies, puppy food and she also cooks for me meat and chicken with rice. I love all of it.

And that's why I weight today 24.4 pounds by age of almost 19 weeks. On sunday is my birthday. Mami is great we celebrate my birthday every sunday.

I'm already spayed, I got all my shots and if my allergy wont get really bad I don't have to go to doctor til next year.

I got some pictures from my visit so you can check it out.


My first visit by doctor Scherr


Today (11.03.08) we have been again visit doctor Scherr because Gucci was scratching herself everywhere 24 hours per day. She was already crying. And what worst. She started to loose her hair on her feet and head.It looks scary.

Well doctor Scherr took her skin exam from three different places and didn't find anything. He said that there is no problem and she is healthy. But anyway he gave her two different shots to see if she is maybe gonna get better after them. I have to look at her for the next two days if some changes come. Then I have to call him and tell him how that looks. 

So for now we have to wait.

If she wont get better then she has probably an allergy and we have to find out for what. It wont be easy but we will get it. Doctor Scherr promised that she will be okay again.

For now we have to hope that we will find out soon whats going on that she is happy again.

Now the good news. I weight again more. Now I have 26.1 pounds. Cool, I'm growing up.  Yuppie. You wouldn't believe it but my mami makes that incredible happy. And when she is happy, I'm happy too.


PS: Thank you very much doctor Scherr for caring about us so well. You are the best and we are more than happy to know you. Paula & Gucci






11.03.08 - Visit by doctor Scherr




Here you can see some pictures from my visit. I like to go there. Doctor Scherr is very nice with me and plays with me and always helps me. He costs a lot of money but it's worth it. He is really great. And anyway mami wants for me just the best so she pays that for me. She is too very nice. She cares a lot about me and gives me so much love every day. Thats why I love her so much too and dont like when she has to work and I'm alone at home.


Hello everybody,

so I get surprise for you. You wont believe it but I'm still growing up. Now I have already over 30 pounds and when doctor Scherr was looking at me he said that I will grow up until 60 pounds. So mami is very happy about it. I'm still little bit sick but mami, papi and doctor Scherr are hardly working to find out whats wrong with me that I feel soon better. It's really bothering me that I have to scratch myself all day long. But we have to look forward and always think positive and soon will be everything ok.

I'm having now special diet and I have to say I like it. I'm eating only salmon and sweet potatoes and it's delicious. I don't even have the feeling that is it a diet :)) hahaha

Anyway next appointment do I have on monday at 2 pm and I hope that this time we will know more.

So guys for now is it everything I could tell you about my health. But I can't wait to write you soon good news :))


My first Christmas

01/23/2009 15:47


My first Christmas was amazing. I spent the time with my mami a my papi at home. We had a beautiful christmas tree with lights and under the tree we had soooooooo many presents :) And many of them brought Santa Claus for me :) We had a big dinner and a wonderful time. I put here some...


Christmas Eve



 January 15th - 7 months old

On January 15th we have been celbrating my birthday of 7 months. For now are my parents very nice and celebrate my birthday every month. When I'll reach the 1st year we will celebrate it only one time in the year on the June 15th. I'm still a puppy but I'm growing up every day a lot. Today I weight already 40 pounds and I grew up already 75 percent of my finally size. So I don't miss so much anymore. I'm behaving much better today. I still do chew a lot but no more so much. I listen more. I don't need to go out anymore 20 times per day but just 10 times :)

I'm not scared of things. I'm very friendly and know pretty much the world. I know where we go for walk ( my favorite park in Coconut Grove), I know when mami goes to work and when she comes back. When I get my food and how to behave in the apartment. I'm nice with other dogs and like to play with them around. And my favorite hobby is driving papis car ;) That's such a fun. I can put my head out of the window and I can watch the street and traffic and tell papi how to drive :)) and bothering mami that I need more space next to her :) And the most important thing I'm no more SICK. We found out that I'm allergic on wheat, corn, chicken and rice and now I'm eating only fish and sweet potatoes and I'm doing great. Nothing is itching me and I'm not scratching myself and I don't lose any hair and I'm really pretty toddler :)) You can self see. Here I put you some pictures from today. I hope you will like them and you will agree with me that I'm pretty young lady :)

Bye, talk to you later :))  XOXO


Hi everybody,

I've been very long time away I know. But to my wonder I'm very busy puppy and now already a lady :) Today is the October 12th and I'm almost 16 months old. I got really big and now is my weight 43 pounds. I won't grow up anymore but maybe just get dicker :)

I got really pretty and friendly and intelligant young lady and people really like me.

PS: Recently I was visiting Europe and it was great. I got the chance to see many very nice people, my grandma, european part of my  family and friends of my mami. I just wanted to say that I love you all and it was a pleasure all you meeting you. I really do miss you and hope to see you again ;)

Take care everybody and I talk to you soon.


Haf haf wow wow Gucci 


You see :) enjoying my life

